
- University of Cyprus - Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου PhD in Linguistics (Language Testing and Assessment), Department of English Studies
- University of Athens – Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών Recognition of the BA degree (DOATAP)
- University of Stirling, Scotland - Πανεπιστήμιο Stirling, Σκωτίας MSc in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- University of North Wales, Bangor - Πανεπιστήμιο Βόρειας Ουαλίας, Bangor, BA (Honours) in English Literature with English Language
- Global Teacher Award 2020
- Best PhD Thesis Award, submitted at the University of Cyprus in the field of Linguistics.
Oral Examiner:
Oral Examiner in English as a Foreign Language Certificates
- Kratiko Pistopiitiko Glossomathias (K.P.G.)
- Test of Interactive English (TIE)
- PTE General
Presentations and Workshops in Conferences:
- Studies on Washback Effect - A Call for Change, 27 May 2021, Keynote Speaker, Testing and Assessment for Effective Foreign Language Learning, University of Kiev, Ukraine.
- Exams Update! Moderator in Panel Discussion, 10 April 2021, IP International Publisher Exhibition, Online Event, Athens, Greece.
- Promoting Experiential Learning Through the Use of Virtual Tours, 22-23 July 2020, English Australia Ed-Teck SIG Online Symposium, Australia.
- Online Tools for Collaborative Learning and Assessment, 8th July 2020, 1st International Virtual ELT Web Conference, IBRI College of Technology, Oman English Language Centre.
- Visuals for young learners: Enhancing Learning and Creativity, 28-29 May 2020, 2nd National Symposium on Teaching Young Learners, Iran.
- Interactive Paintings- Visual Intriguing Art for Language Enhancement, 5-6th October 2019, The Image Conference, Brussels.
- Teaching practices and alternative assessment techniques. A washback study in exam preparation classes, 21-23 March 2019, TESOL Arabia, Dubai.
- Formative assessment: Involving learners in the assessment process, 21-23 March 2019, TESOL Arabia, Dubai.
- Teach actively, Train students, Transform instruction for a more learner-centric classes, 2nd March 2019, TESOL Greece, Athens.
- The washback effect on teaching practices and the use of alternative assessment techniques:a study of multi-exam preparation classes in Greece, 12 December 2018. University of Central Lancashire (Uclan).
- Identifying Washback - Aiming at Positive Washback Effect. 12 December 2018. University of Central Lancashire (Uclan).
- The use of alternative assessment teachniques: a new assessment practice. 12 December 2018. University of Central Lancashire (Uclan).
- Ways of Involving Learners in Assessment Using Images, 6th October 2018, The Image Conference, Athens.
- Dealing with exams and exam preparation needs in a multi-exam context (Plenary Speaker),18 March 2018, 12th Foreign Languages Forum, ELT News, Patra.
- Dealing with exams and exam preparation needs in a multi-exam context (Plenary Speaker), 10-11 March, 2018, 12th Foreign Languages Forum, ELT News, Athens.
- Teacher’s Identity in Exam Preparation Classes –Factors, Roles and Needs(Presentation), 26-27 October, 2017, Conference on Theory and Practice of L2Education, University of Kiev.
- Identifying and Eliminating Negative Washback on Exam Preparation Classes (Workshop), 28 May 2016 TALE – Project, Language Assessment: What EFL Teachers in Cyprus Need and Want, University of Cyprus
- Washback Effect on Teaching Practices in Exam Preparation Classes – a multifaceted analytic approach (Workshop), 1 April 2016, University of Kiev.
- Make the Impossible Possible’ – Creativity in the EFL exam preparation classes (Workshop) META International Conference, 2 April 2016, Moldova.
- Washback Effect on Teachers’ Teaching Practices in EFL Multi-exam Preparation Classes in Greece (Presentation), 3 April 2016, META International Conference, Moldova.
- Improving Teaching Practices in Exam Preparation Courses (Presentation), 20 March 2016, 37th TESOL Greece Annual International Convention, 19-20 March 2016, Athens, Greece.
- Teaching Practices Used in Exam Preparation Classes in Greece (Presentation), 26 April, 2015, 22nd International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-26/04/2015.
- Multi-exam Contexts – The Solution to a more ELF Oriented Language Testing (Presentation), 6 September, 2014, 7th ELF International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, Athens, Greece, 4-6/09/2014.
- How has technology changed the way we teach (Presentation), 9 March, 2014, The 4th Foreign Languages Forum, ELT News, Athens, Greece, 8-9/03/2014.
- Examining Washback in Multi-exam Preparation Classes in Greece: (A Focus on Teachers’ Teaching practices, (Work In Progress Paper), 24/05/2013, 10th Annual Conference of the European Association of Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA), Instabul, Turkey, 23-26/05/2013.
- A Washback Study of the Teaching Practices Used in EFL Multi-exam Preparation Classes (Presentation) 2-3 November 2012, 3rd EALTA CBLA SIG Symposium, Hosted by the Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus, Cyprus 2-3 November 2012.
- A Study of the Teaching Practices Used in EFL Multi-exam Preparation Classes (poster presentation) 2 June 2012, 9th Annual Conference of the European Association of Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA), Innsbruck, Austria, 31/5-3/6/2012.
- Papakammenou, I. (2020). ‘The Importance of Washback Effect in Teachers’ Assessment Literacy. The Stepping Stone for more Learner-centred Exam-classes’. In D. Tsagari (eds.). Language Assessment Literacy: From Theory to Practice.Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Papakammenou, I. R. (2020). ‘Classroom-based assessment in multi-exam preparation classes. Choosing alternative assessment techniques’. In S. Hidri (eds.). Revisiting the Interfaces between language Learning and Assessment.
- Papakammenou, I.R. (2019). Student-centered classroom assessment: perceptions and new methods. Ars Linguodidacticae
- Papakammenou, I. (2018). 'Washback on language skills: a study of EFL multi-exam prepration classes'. In S. Hidri (eds.). Revisiting the Assessment of Lnaguage Abilities. Springer International Publishing.
- Papakammenou, I. (2018). ‘Examining washback in EFL multi-exam preparation classes in Greece. A focus on Teachers’ Teaching Practices’. In Daniel Xerri & Patricia Vella Briffa (eds.). Teacher Involvement in High Stakes Language Testing. Springer International Publishing.
- Papakammenou, I. (2018). Speaking in Exam Preparation Classes: Students' difficulties. ELT News.
- Papakammenou, I. (2018). Classroom Based Assessment in EFL Classrooms. Let's stop using tests and focus on alternative forms of assessment. ELT News.
- Papakammenou, I. (2016). ‘A washback study of the teaching practices used in EFL multi-exam preparation classes in Greece’. In D. Tsagari (eds.). Classroom-based Assessment in L2 Contexts.Cambridge Scholars Publishing.